Chilly snap forces Trump inauguration indoors as BBQ season starts in Canada.

Timmons -
“What can I say, had a hankering for some poutine dogs!” Said Grant Kelpner, local part-time bartender and home chef. “Yeah, geeze, sorry it got a little frosty down there, I get it, you can’t have all those billionaires shuddering, bad optics, plus they’ll be shaky enough after Trump ditches them when shit gets real. Up here it’s a balmy – 40, so hell, time to crank up the Broil King! Made in Canada! See that Leafs game last night? Habs looked like they found out there’s no Santa! They’re a different team this year I tellya! Brew?” When it was announced that temperatures were excepted to reach -7 in Washington, plans to swear in the 47th President were moved indoors, leaving many Trump supporters who paid up to 5000 dollars (US) to attend the ceremony out in the cold, literally.