CRA promises it will install the free McAfee trial after paying out millions to hackers.
Ottawa -
“Yeah, I mean that thing pops up all the time reminding us we have a free 30 day whatsit, maybe it’s time we got some kind of security thingy.” Said a spokesperson for Revenue Canada between trips to the break room. “I’m kinda worried that Canadians going to start to resent us.” The mood at the main revenue building was surprisingly relaxed considering the discovery that hackers had made off with over 6 million dollars from the public coffers in bogus refund cheques. “Hey, whats the big deal, we shelled out 20 times that in CRB cheques during the pandy, chill out, we’ll get it back!” Also surprising was that on Fridays, CRA employees participate in a “Money Scramble” which consists of two or more employees standing in a booth while cash and propulsive air are pumped in. “yeah, its cool right? We got it at an old Calgary Cannons baseball game!”